Wednesday, 1 January 2014


MAX MARKS 40.  4X10
1.       Define cost center, profit center and state their differences
a.       Cost center: smallest segment for which costs are accumulated: personal, impersonal cost center; operation and process cost center; production and service cost center
b.      Profit center:  segment of biz activity which is responsible for revenue and expenses and discloses profit of segment
c.       Differences:
d.      cc: smallest unit of activity;  pc: biz segment with revenue and expenses
e.      cc: accounting convenience of cost control;  pc:decentralization of operations
f.        cc: not autonomous;   pc: autonomous
g.       cc:no target cost, minimum cost;  pc:profit target, +authority
h.      many ccs = 1 pc;   many pcs = 1 firm or subsidiary.
2.       What is costing, scope of cost accounting and objectives of cost accounting
a.       Costing/ cost accounting: application of costing, cost accounting methods, cost control and profitability; ascertain costs, classify, record, allocate expenses for determination of costs of product and services
b.      Scope: cost ascertainment; cost accounting; cost control
c.       Objectives:
                                                               i.      cost per unit
                                                             ii.      analysis of cost
                                                            iii.      source of wastage
                                                           iv.      price fix guidance
                                                             v.      product profitability
                                                           vi.      control of stocks
                                                          vii.      source of economy
                                                        viii.      advice on future expansion
                                                           ix.      interpret data for decision making, control
                                                             x.      preparation o f budgets and control
                                                           xi.      efficient information system
                                                          xii.      incentive bonus system
                                                        xiii.      data  for new product
                                                        xiv.      computer data processing
                                                         xv.      internal audit
                                                        xvi.      cost reduction programme
                                                      xvii.      cost audit
                                                     xviii.      identify cost profit and loss reasons
d.      i.e.
e.      ascertainment of costs
f.        accumulation and utilization of cost data
g.       data for management decision making
3.       define the following terms
a.       specific order costing: order based
b.      operation costing : operation based
c.       contract costing: contract based
d.      batch costing: batch of operations or product units
e.      service costing: service based
f.        farm costing : farm based
g.       multiple costing: 2 or 3 of above in hierarchical order
4.       write a note on  the following cost drivers
a.       conversion: raw material to finished goods
b.      contribution margin: SP – VC
c.       carrying cost: interest cost
d.      oout of stock cost: stoppage of work as out of stock material
e.      ordering cost: process cost order
f.        development cost : idea to product proof of concept cost
g.       policy cost: normal + cost on account of policy
h.      discretionary cost: decision based cost
i.         idle facilities cost: abnormal idleness of facilities cost
j.        expired cost: loss or expense of current period
k.       incremental revenue: between two alternatives
l.         added value: change in market value – on creation of value of form, location, availability
m.    urgent cost: immediate order and supply + cost
n.      post ponable cost: shift current cost to future period
o.      pre production cost: before start of production
p.      research cost: discovery cost
q.      training cost: training of workers
5.       classify the costs based on the following:
a.       nature: material, labour, expenses
b.      function: production, administration, selling and distribution
c.       traceability: direct vs indirect
d.      activity/ volume: FC/VC, committed cost, policy cost, discretionary, step cost
e.      by controllability: controllable, uncontrollable
f.        normality: normal vs abnormal
g.       accounting  period: capital, revenue
h.      time: historical, predetermined
i.         planning and control: bugetted cost, standard cost,
j.        product: product cost, period cost
k.       managerial decision: explicit, implicit costs.
6.       Problem:
a.       Cost of raw material:               30000
b.      +purch raw matl:                   450000
c.       Total matl:                            480000
d.      –closing stock:                        25000
e.      Cost of matl consumed          455000
f.        Direct wages                         230000
g.       PRIME COST                      685000
h.      +Factory OH                        92000
i.         FACTORY COST                777000
j.        +OP. Work in process           12000
k.       Total                                      789000
l.         –closing WIP                          15000
m.    Factory or works cost          774000

Income statement for HYE 30.6.2007

Sales                                               900000
-          COGS
·         Op stock FG     60000
·         + Factory cost 774000
·         Total fact cost 834000
·         -cl.stock FG      55000               779000
·         Gross profit                                                121000
·         -indirect exp
·         Admn exp        30000
·         Selling & distr exp 20000       50000

·         NET PROFIT                                                71000